January was a bleak time in our life. On the 21st, my mother-in-law passed away after a long, hard fought battle with cancer. She was a truly remarkable woman, and I wish everyday that she was here to see her first grandchild. She would have loved Micah. She is loved and missed.
In February, Mikey and I took a motorcycle course. I learned how to ride, and we purchased motorcycles. Mikey had wanted one for a few years.
March was a busy month. My cousin welcomed her second child, Camille.
My sister completed her training, and shipped out to her first duty station in Texas. I was sad to see her go, but proud of her determination to serve.
We went to an Atlanta Hawks basketball game. Mikey and his (step)sister treated his (step)dad to a game for his birthday.
Mikey and I started on the journey that is parenthood. On the 25th, we had a positive pregnancy test.
And we started our vacation in St. Louis.
In April we continued our week in St. Louis. I had so much fun, I thought about not coming back.
We also celebrated Easter.
May marked the end of the first trimester. We also welcomed Madison, Mikey's cousin's baby.
Mikey and I celebrated our first anniversary in June.
We found out in July that we were expecting a boy.
I celebrated the anniversary of my birth, and got a new car for my birthday. (I share it with Mikey on occasion.)
August was my brother's month. He graduated from medical school.
And he got married.
In September, we celebrated Mikey's birthday, and took a trip to Louisville, Kentucky for a wedding. One of Mikey's childhood friends got married, and Mikey was a participant.
In October, I experienced my first music concert, featuring Patti LaBelle and Boyz II Men. It was an awesome experience, and I plan to go to many more concerts. We also had our baby shower in anticipation of Micah's arrival.
November saw the arrival of Micah.
He went to his first doctor's appointment, and we celebrated our first Thanksgiving as a family of three.
December has brought about our first Christmas as a family, and Micah's first road trip. December also brought snow, even if we didn't get to play in it this year.
I hope 2010 brought you as much joy as it did for my family, and I pray that 2011 brings you everything that your heart could wish and makes your life a little more wonderful.
Happy New Year!