I had a doctor's appointment today. Baby Chunky is growing! We saw the baby's heart flickering, and heard the heartbeat. From what I have read, just seeing/hearing the baby's heartbeat reduces the chance of a miscarriage to about 2%.
After the appointment we headed over to David's Bridal to order my dress for Jeremy and Lavita's wedding, which is August 28. By then, I will be 25 weeks, 3 days pregnant, or roughly 6 months pregnant. In the store, they have a "pregnancy pillow" to simulate how women typically look at 7 months pregnant. It was pretty funny, but I enjoyed having a visual of how I could possibly look at that point in this journey.
Taken with my BlackBerry
And I bought another book on pregnancy. I think this will be my last. So far I have:
The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy
The Mocha Manual to a Fabulous Pregnancy
Consumer Reports Best Baby Products
Your Pregnancy Week by Week.

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