* How far along?: six weeks
* Weight Gain: don't know, no scale
* Symptoms: nausea, running to the restroom, bloat, and gas
* How big is baby?: the size of an sweet pea (about 0.25 inches)
* Sex: n/a
* Maternity clothes?: nope
* Stretch marks?: nope
* Sleep?: pretty good; I go potty once; lately I've been warm
* Best moment this week?:
* Movement?: nope
* Food cravings?: citrus (pineapple and tangerine); Frances Calhoun's baked potato
* Labor signs?: n/a
* Belly button in or out?: in
* What I miss: pants that don't feel like they are cutting into my skin
* What I'm looking forward to: my next appointment where I get to see the heartbeat hopefully
* Milestone: first prenatal appointment

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