Before Micah was even born, Mikey and I decided that we were not throwing an elaborate first birthday party. He won't remember his first birthday. So now I am deciding how much effort I want to put into a very small party. It will probably consist of his three cousins who live in the area, and the neighborhood kids. That will be less than ten children including the birthday boy. I am debating whether I want it to be themed. Probably. What would the theme be? When? His birthday is on a Tuesday, but maybe on the Saturday following his birthday. So many decisions to make. I have three months.
Christmas! I love Christmas. It is my favorite holiday. This will be Micah's second Christmas, but he was only a few weeks old for his first Christmas. We didn't even buy him any gifts. There was no need, since he wouldn't remember it even if we had. This year he'll be one year old. He won't remember this Christmas either, but he's old enough to play with toys. Mikey and I have agreed that we will only gift our child(ren) with three gifts from Santa. The wise men gave the baby Jesus three gifts. We plan for our children to understand that Jesus is the reason for the season. This will also be our first Christmas in our own home. I will get to decorate! I haven't quite decided on our Christmas colors. But I have ideas. There will be a big Christmas tree and lots of lights, Christmas wreaths and bows, candy canes and ornaments. I can't wait.

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