Friday, September 3, 2010

Letters to My Son: 26 Weeks

Dear Micah,

In just a few short days, we will be entering the final stretch.  Monday we start the third trimester.  I am so excited!  In just 3 short months, I will hold you in my arms, and count your fingers and toes.  I so look forward to meeting you, and learning your personality.  I often wonder about how you look.  Will you look more like your father or me?  Will you have his dimples?  I hope you have his dimples.  Will you have my temperament, or your dad's?  Or maybe you will be a pleasant mixture of the two of us.

I also worry about how good a job we will do raising you.  It is a huge responsibility to parent a child, and I don't want to fail you.  I want you to grow up in a loving environment where you feel safe.  I plan for there to be lots of love and laughter.   I love you more than you could possibly imagine already.  Just imagine how much that love will grow when you get here.

I love you little boy.

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