Micah is ten months old, and such a mess. It's hard to believe that he's been here longer than I carried him inside me. At ten months old, Micah ...
...weighs 21.6 pounds, according to our home scale.
... Is such a daddy's boy. He prefers to be with Mikey. He would rather play with him. He usually goes to Mikey if he calls, where I could call him until I lost my voice, and he would just ignore me. He also cries if Mikey walks out of the room and he can't follow. He even will cry if Mikey hands him to me. Maybe the next baby will love me as much.
... is a master at crawling, but loves his walker. He is pretty fast in it too. At least he is on the kitchen floor. He hasn't quite figured out walking on the carpet yet, but he's really close.
... is a clown. He laughs at the silliest things, and often does things that he thinks are funny just to laugh.
... is currently in the process of getting three teeth at the same time. He's getting two more on the bottom and one on the top. It's been interesting around here, to say the least. But Micah doesn't cry or fuss. When his gums start bothering him, he either chews on his fingers or hits his mouth with his hand.
... loves food. He's much more interested in what we're eating than baby food. His favorites right now are shredded cheese and noodles. He also loves water, but only if it's from a water bottle.
... is completely uninterested in a sippy cup. He absolutely refuses to drink from one. I'll be trying again soon, and hopefully he'll take it soon.
... clicks his tongue. He actually makes all sorts of funny sounds, but the tongue clicks are my favorite.
... definitely understands what no means. Usually he stops what he is doing. Sometimes he goes right back to it if you don't redirect him or remove him from the situation.
... climbs the stair like a professional stair climber. He isn't allowed on the stairs often, but when we do, he can make his way up the stair without much help, though one of us is always behind him just in case.
... pulls up and cruises along the furniture. Sometimes he will cruise along the catwalk banisters.
... will stand and release, but only if he's not paying attention. It's only for a few seconds at the most, but he does it.
... will walk beside his car. I think as soon as he gets a little braver, he'll be toddling all over the place.
... is still in size 3 diapers. He is in size 18 month clothes primarily, but can still wear some 12 month.
... goes by the nicknames Sugar Bear, Gus-Gus, Junior Junior, and Micah Man.
Here's video evidence of my stair climber!

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