1. My Son (Micah): I love you, and can’t wait for you to get here. Your father and I have such great dreams for you, and can’t wait for you to come and dream your own dreams.
2. My Husband (Mikey): I love you, and look forward to many years (and not quite so many babies) to come with you.
3. Mama: Thank you! Micah’s not even here yet, and I am already in awe of how you raised three of us, and worked with pre-school aged kids for the past 20-something years.
4. My Sister: I am so proud of you. You are doing something that I can’t even imagine doing myself. You inspire me every day. I can’t wait for you to get home.
5. My Little, Little Brother: I love you stinker. I hope you grow up to be a better man.
6. My Big, Little Brother: I miss you. I know we grow up and our relationships evolve, but I miss what we had. I hope that we can get it back.
7. My Best Friend: Thank you for being a friend. No matter how long it is between our conversations, I know you have my back, always.
8. Politicians: You shouldn’t throw stones when you live in glass houses. And stop making my head hurt with all the stupid commercials full of lies. Get off your butts and do something that means something.
9. Brett Favre: RETIRE ALREADY!
10. My Father: I wish things could have been different. You never fought for us that way, and that makes me sad.