At two months old, Corrin...
... wears size 0-3 months and 3 months clothes. Very few newborn clothes fit her now. She is in size 1 diapers, and size 2 shoes.
... has definitely grown. I'm not sure how much she weighs now, but I'm certain that she's nearly doubled her birth weight. I'll update after her two month appointment.
... is still breastfeeding. It's been an adjustment pumping at work, but I'm learning.

... still sleeps with Mikey and I. Our plan right now, is for her to sleep with us until she is between four and six months old.
... is not interested in taking a bottle from me, but she will take the bottle from Mikey.
... sleeps very well. She's finally learning the difference between night and day. Thank goodness!

... has eczema. Her skin is so dry, and sucks up any moisturizer. We try to keep her skin moisturized throughout the day.
... is doing better in the car seat. She's allowing us to put her down for longer periods of time.
... hates diaper changes, baths, hiccups, having her hair done, and having her nose clean. Pretty much anything that deals with hygiene or that requires us to touch her. She pretty much a diva. She also knows how to make her dislike known.

... is finally monitor free! She started to develop calluses on her skin where the monitor touched her. She hasn't had any episodes of apnea for quite a while now, so her pediatrician told us that we could take it off of her. A part of me is so happy that we know longer have to keep up with the monitor and the baby. A part of me will continue to worry about her breathing, especially at night.
... coos and smiles when you talk to her. She's very stingy with the smiles still, but hopefully soon she'll be smiling all the time.

... pulls her hair. I think it's because she has cradle cap, and her head is itching.
... is called Rin, Little Miss, Sissy, and Baby Girl.

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