... we have finally reached the third trimester! One more milestone down. Now let the countdown to September begin.
... I looked down this morning, and realized that I can't see my feet. With Micah, I didn't come to this realization until around 32 weeks. I don't know if she will be bigger than Micah at birth, but my belly certainly is bigger this pregnancy.

... all the energy that I thought I had is gone. At my doctor's appointment, my blood test showed that my iron levels were low. I am now taking an iron supplement {and stool softener} to help boost my iron levels, and hopefully give me more energy. This past week I have been feeling very drained.
... my doctor's appointment went well, minus the whole iron deficiency thing. I passed my glucose test, which is what I was worried about going into the appointment. I also got the results from my blood test from my previous appointment. I do not have cholestasis. The best we can figure is that I had an allergic reaction to some unknown substance. We talked about a few other things, and then the appointment was over.
... sleep is not the best, which sucks because with the low iron levels, I could really use all the rest I can get right now. I have to get up to use the restroom. I wake up because my back starts hurting. Sometimes I just can sleep, and sit up for an hour or two before I can finally fall back asleep. My alarm clock sounds way too early every morning. To make matters worse, on the weekends, when I could sleep in, I am awake at 7:30 am at the latest.
... I have Braxton Hicks contractions. It's been ongoing for a few weeks now. I'm just remembering to mention them on the blog. I usually get them when I have to use the restroom. Sometimes they are random. When I get them, my stomach tightens all over and I have shortness of breath. I've only had one or two that hurt. My doctor is not concerned.
... I was sick at work. Dizziness and vomiting are not things you want to experience in the work environment.
... I have this reoccurring pain in my neck. Maybe it's from sleeping uncomfortably. Maybe it's from tension. I don't know, but I have figured out that applying heat and taking pain killers gets rid of the ache for a few days.

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