Growing up, one of my grandmothers was 35 for several years in a row. She had spent a few years being 29 also. She's my sassy grandma who is most definitely a diva. I think it's because of her that I don't fear aging. Most days I still feel like a kid playing house anyway. So here I am, flirting with thirty, and loving it. Who knows? Maybe I'll get depressed about growing older when I turn 35, or maybe when I turn 40? It could also be a random age like 37 or 31 and a half. Not sure how that works?
So here I am beginning my thirtieth year on earth. While I don't have any concrete plans, I do know that I want to enjoy this year. I plan to try new things. That's one reason why I created a 30 before 30 list. I'm sure I won't accomplish everything on the list, but I'm going to try to get as much done as I can. Life's been a ride so far, but one that I plan to enjoy to the fullest.
And for your viewing pleasure...

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