Day 15: Santa Baby {Alternate Title: Micah @ 13 Months}
Micah is thirteen months old. My mind is unable to compute this fact. I look at him, and wonder what happened to my baby. At thirteen months, Micah ...
... wears sizes 12-18 month clothes, and moved to size 4 diapers (today!).
... weighs 22.8 pounds {according to our home scale}.
... is still crawling around. He is taking more chances while cruising the furniture. He also likes to walk while holding our hand, and gets upset if we let his hand go before he's ready to stop walking. He demands that we allow him to walk where he wants to go, and often switches hands to change directions.
... attempts to snap his fingers when I snap mine. It's the cutest thing. I'll try to get video.
... is starting to imitate us when we talk. Usually, he makes similar sounds, but does not form the word. He hasn't learned any new words yet.
... has eight teeth! Four on the bottom, and four on the top. It looks like he's teething again. I think he's getting his first molars. Pray for us.
... typically sleeps well. Sometimes he will sleep through the night. Sometimes he wakes up during the night. Sometimes, he wakes up and decides that he needs to play for a few hours. We're working on it. He still takes awesome naps, though they have been shorter over the last few days.
... loves to eat. His favorites right now are Cheerios and pasta. He also likes eggs, mandarin oranges, cheese, yogurt, and anything his daddy is eating. We realized that Micah likes spicy foods. He is not a big fan of sweets.
... has fully adjusted to drinking from his sippy cup.
... went to the park and swung on the swings for the first time! (Today.)
... has figured out how to get off the couch. We still won't let him get off our bed himself because it is so high, but he does the motion, and we help him down.
... walks on the couch, holding on to the cushions, of course. We're working on fixing that.
... is working on learning his body parts. He knows his nose, though usually he points to my nose when I ask him where is his nose. I think this is because I would point to my nose when he pointed to his nose. Or because I laughed so hard when he first pointed to my nose when I asked him.
... shakes his head if he doesn't want or like something, or sometimes if we say no to him.
... is afraid of the vacuum.
... had his first cold with a very low grade fever.
... goes by the nicknames Gus-Gus, Micah Maine, Tremaine, Scoot, and Sugar Bear.
I took absolutely too many pictures of Micah today. At 2:00 pm when he went down for his nap, I had taken over 200 pictures of him already. Enjoy the madness.

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