10 Things in 10 Days: Day Two – Nine Things About Yourself
1. I act like I’m drunk when I’m sleep deprived. A happy drunk, but a drunk none the less. I laugh at anything, and become much more social.
2. I am a nerd. I always loved school because I was learning something new all the time. I loved that by learning one thing it could lead to learning so much more. I also love to read. I would rather read than watch television any day of the week. According to some people I know, that also makes me a nerd. I beg to differ, but to each his own.
3. I have always looked forward to being a mother, and cannot wait until it is time for Micah to be born. I often talk about my youngest brother and my godchildren as if they are my children when talking to people. And a funny thing is, I never played with dolls as a girl, but always loved babies.
4. I can’t swim, but I love water. I am a complete water-baby. I will wash the dishes just to play in the water, and showers are an event. I plan to take swimming lessons this summer. I also want Micah to learn to swim. He will start lessons this upcoming summer as well. The only reason I have for not knowing how to swim is that I was never taught. We didn’t have regular access to a pool growing up, and I just never learned.
5. I am a football fanatic. Football is the only sport I will watch on television. If it is any other sport, I have to be at the event. I bleed garnet and black. GO GAMECOCKS!!! I am also a Dallas Cowboys fan. But truly it doesn’t matter who is playing. I just want to watch a game. I mourn the end of football season.
6. I love to shop. Give me money and I will spend it. It doesn’t matter to me if I am shopping for myself or for someone else. I will shop for purses, clothes, shoes, home décor. It really doesn’t matter. I also appreciate that Mikey feels the same way.
7. I’m allergic to the color pink. Very rarely will you see me wear it, and my daughters won’t wear it unless they buy it for themselves. I already have some family members who are telling me that if and when I have a daughter they will be buying her pink. I guess we are in for a battle.
8. I love music. I will listen to the same song over and over for hours at a time, for days on end. My iPod or Pandora is usually playing.
9. I love to travel. I dream of visiting every state in the United States of America, and visiting the Mediterranean. It is so bad that I would get in my car and drive for hours with no place in particular to go. I find it very relaxing to just get in my car, turn the music up to full blast, and ride. I love road trips. I am a little afraid that Micah will be so accustomed to traveling while in the womb, that we will have to put him into the car to get him to fall asleep once he gets here. It is just that bad.