Mommy loves you very much, and I really want to hold you in my arms, but PLEASE stay put until November 15 when the doctors come get you. PLEASE!
This week the weather has been cooler, particularly in the mornings. It makes me want to buy all sorts of clothes for you. But I am trying to be good, and not buy everything that I think about. I also don't know how big or small you will be when you get here.
You have been doing some serious somersaults in my belly, and whenever I shift to get comfortable, you shift too. It's quite interesting to see you moving around in there. I wonder, during those times, what your personality will be like when you get here. Will you be quiet and introspective, observing the world around you quietly, and taking it all in? Or will you be talkative and outgoing, never meeting a stranger and friends with everyone you meet? Time will tell. But remember to stay put until November 15.
I love you little boy.

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