Speaking of Micah, the kid's gotta eat right? But that's when he gets here, hopefully in November, when he is supposed to be delivered at 39 weeks. But I digress, so back to the subject at hand. That means either formula or breast milk. And EVERYBODY knows that "breast is best." But there are also perks to formula feeding. Depending on the website you find yourself on or the book you are reading, there are positives and negatives for both. The problem lies in figuring out what is best for you. I, along with all my siblings, were formula fed. We are all relatively intelligent and successful individuals. So now the question is what will Micah eat?
At this point I am leaning toward breast milk, but pumped breast milk so that he can be bottle fed. I will be returning to work, and he will be eating from a bottle anyway at that point. A large part of me wants the bonding that comes with nursing. But I feel that Micah can bond with me and Mikey being fed from a bottle, and I don't have to become a milking service in the process. And I actually think I would lean more toward exclusively breastfeeding if I wasn't returning to work. But I am so...
At this point the only thing that I have determined definitely is that Micah will not be eating formula if at all possible. I hope this works.
And I pray I get good news tomorrow.

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