33 Weeks

- How far along?: thirty-three weeks
- What's baby up to?: Baby’s senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through your (extremely) stretched belly, those tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, baby can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing your lullabies! Growth (at least inside your womb) is starting to slow, and you may notice baby descend into your pelvis at the end of this month.
- Weight Gain: I have gained 15 pounds total, as of my last appointment; I lost another pound
- Symptoms: baby bump; serious back pain; insomnia; nerve pain; indigestion and heartburn
- How big is baby?: about the size of a honeydew melon (about 17.2 to 18.7 inches; 4.2 to 5.8 pounds)
- Sex: boy!?!
- Maternity clothes?: yes
- Stretch marks?: nope, and I’m working to avoid them, even though I know there is no way to avoid them if I am meant to have them
- Sleep?: not so good anymore; I am having trouble getting comfortable, and still gotta go potty during the night several times
- Best moment this week?: scheduling the c-section
- Movement?: yes, and lots of it
- Food cravings?: no cravings
- Labor signs?: braxton-hicks contractions; dilating; belly "dropped"
- Belly button in or out?: out; it pokes out enough that you can see it through my shirt
- What I miss: sitting or standing for extended periods without pain; sleeping comfortably and through the night
- What I'm looking forward to: cooler weather, shopping for new clothes
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