1. Rudeness: I dislike rude people. That includes snide remarks, passive aggressive jokes, and acting as if you are better than others.
2. Body Odor: I think this is pretty self explanatory. I don't want to smell myself. I certainly don't want to smell anyone else.
3. Smoking: Yuck. I don't know anyone who wants to kiss an ash tray. I certainly don't. It's an expensive bad habit to have, and an unattractive one at that.
4. "Pretty" Men: I don't really know what to call this, but I am turned off by men who are prettier than most women. I also consider it a turn off when it takes a man longer to get ready than his female counterpart. But then, I am also turned off by unkempt men as well. I don't find sagging pants, unkempt hair, or grills attractive.

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