We had a busy weekend. Here's a quick rundown...We took pictures with Auntie Angel Saturday morning. A sampling of those will be posted later in the week.
Saturday evening, we attended a baby shower in anticipation of the next addition to the family. Mikey's sister and her husband are expecting a little girl in March. We can't wait.***
Speaking of babies, my dad had a dream about fish. Do you know what that means? Dreams about fish mean someone close to the dreamer is pregnant. I wonder who it's going to be, because I know who it's not: ME! I don't know what I would do if I became pregnant again so soon. Fainting comes to mind.***
Sunday we had fellowship with other churches in our region, and we got to see Jelly again, though he and Micah slept through most of the meeting. We found the beginnings of teeth too. We also went to a birthday party for Mikey's (step-grandmother) who we love to pieces.***
Sunday evening, though, was not the best. Micah had a rough time with colic. He cried so pitifully. But, thank heavens for grandmothers! They know how to make things better. Mimi certainly saved the night for us. ***
Sunday night, Micah slept in his crib all night. He woke to eat once. Hallelujah! We're going to continue to try him sleeping in his crib, and not in bed with mommy. 
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