Sometimes I look at Micah and see a baby. While, he's not as chunky as he used to be, he still has a few hidden rolls. He's still learning how to verbalize. He still wears diapers some days. He still sleeps in his crib. He still wants to be held. He's still a baby in so many ways. Other times, I look at Micah and see a big boy. He's talking so much nowadays. He says new words everyday. Sometimes, he says things that I have no idea where he picked it up. We're working on him verbalizing his wants and needs, instead of whining or crying. We're also working on potty training. I say we, but I must say, Mikey is working on potty training. They're doing a good job too. He looks more and more like a big boy everyday. And this mama doesn't know if she can deal with the fact that he's growing up.

In a little over a month, Micah will be two years old. It's hard to believe that this time last year, he wasn't even walking yet. He only had a handful of words in his vocabulary. He still belly laughs like only a baby can. He still crawls up into our arms for cuddles. He's still figuring out the world around him.
He hasn't started questioning everything yet. He hasn't become very defiant yet. We have very few tantrums, and those are usually only when he's frustrated because he can't verbalize what he wants or when he's sleepy. He's not ready for preschool yet. He doesn't know all his letter, numbers, colors, or shapes. He's still my baby, even if he's growing into a big boy. I'm learning to adjust to that fact. I'm just not all the way there yet.
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